Rail transport had been in operation in Britain for more than a century by the early 19th century, and horse-drawn carriages were beginning to be phased out. However, railways were not yet integrated into society. Most of them were privately owned and operated to provide train service for the wealthy community who could afford it or as an investment to profit from.
The first public steam train was introduced in Britain in 1825. It was a novelty at first, but it soon became commonplace. Within just a few decades, Britain had more than 100 operational railway lines covering over 5,000 square miles (13,000 km). This enormous expansion of railways transformed the nation and its people. The expansion of railways ushered in a new era not just for transportation but also for leisure activities.
As time passed by, trains became bigger, faster and more comfortable. They also began to carry more passengers as well as goods that needed to be transported long distances quickly. Passenger train service was no longer limited to the upper class only; instead ordinary citizens could afford it too with services such as first-class seating and reserved carriages. The number of railway employees also rose steadily since many of them worked on construction projects for new lines or maintenance work on existing ones.
The use of steam trains in Britain went from a small and exclusive network to virtually every community in the country. There were more than 20 million passengers riding trains every year by the end of the 19th century.
The arrival of the steam train was a major turning point for society in Britain. It enabled the wealthy to travel more easily, and it became easier for ordinary people to visit their families in other towns and cities. The arrival of railways also had a huge impact on the economy of each region. By the end of the century, railways were carrying about 15% of all goods produced in the country. In addition, the development of the railways brought many new jobs and opportunities to the country as a whole.
The expansion of the railway network in Britain changed the way the country was economically developed. Before the arrival of the railways, most of the nation’s goods were transported by sea. After the construction of several major shipping routes, Britain became one of the world’s leading nations in oceanic commerce. By the end of the 19th century, ships sailed from the country to different parts of the world carrying not only goods produced in Britain but also coal, iron ore and other raw materials needed to fuel the country’s industrial growth.
The introduction of steam trains in Britain also transformed society by changing the way people were viewed. Previously, travel was mostly limited to the wealthy who could afford to own their own horses and carriages. With the arrival of the steam train, people’s perception of transportation changed. It became more accessible to everyone, and it paved the way for one of the most significant changes introduced by the railways; social mobility.
The impact railways had on culture was also significant. Before the development of steam trains in Britain, most people were not very focused on the arts, music or literature. Many of them were focused on the agricultural sector and commerce. The arrival of steam trains, however, changed all that. Trains began to be used as a form of entertainment, particularly music. The arrival of the steam train not only introduced a new form of entertainment but also a new form of music genre, with railway composers writing new pieces to be played on trains.
The transition from the operation of the horse-drawn trains to the steam-powered trains brought significant benefits to Britain’s society. But by the end of the 19th century, the network of railways had become outdated and needed to be updated or replaced. It was not just the horse-drawn trains that were being replaced. Electric trams, buses and ships were also being replaced by the new technology. Admittedly, this was a challenging transition for many railroad companies which were also involved in other mans of transport such as the canals. The transition to the new technology was not always smooth, and several railway companies collapsed during the first decade of the 20th century.
The 19th century was a time of rapid change and transformation in Britain. The rapid expansion of the network of railways transformed the economy, society and culture of the nation. New transportation and communication networks were developed, which enabled faster and easier travel, trade and communication. The expansion of the railway network brought major benefits to the country, including faster transportation and the development of a new form of entertainment - the music hall - on trains.
Unfortunately, the network of steam trains had become outdated by the end of the 19th century, and many rail companies had to invest in the new technology of electric trains or face bankruptcy. Nothing ever stays the same!