When you visit our website, the following terms and conditions will apply to your use of our site (the “Terms”). These Terms are a legally binding contract that governs your use of the site. If you visit the website on behalf of another party, this contract covers their use of the website as well.
The Terms are provided so that you know what rights and privileges you grant us when you enter our site. We recommend that you read these Terms carefully and understand their meaning before using our site.
By visiting or using any part of our site, including but not limited to by accessing or browsing any part of it, or registering for an account with us, or subscribing to any service offered on the site, whether online or offline in any way whatsoever, directly or indirectly through a third party including but not limited to by accepting or agreeing to these Terms in full, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms in full and agree to be bound by them. In case anything is not clear please feel free to contact us.
These Terms apply to all activities conducted by you on or in connection with this site, including your use of our products and services. This site is the property of Ian Marsden. These Terms apply to all visitors to the site, including users and customers of Ian Marsden.
This site may be accessed and used only by individuals who are at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, you may use this site only with involvement and supervision of your guardian, who must have reviewed and agreed to these Terms on your behalf.
By using the site, you are representing that you are an authorized user of this site. If you do not meet these requirements, you must not access or use this site. If you have any questions regarding your ability to access this site, contact us.
We reserve the right to withdraw the service and/or the content offered on this site at any time in our sole discretion without any prior notice. We also reserve the right to monitor the use of this site by you. You acknowledge and agree that we may log your IP address and/or other information related to your use of this site, and we may also share that information with third parties as we see fit.
We may also block or restrict access to portions of this site, or suspend your right to access this site, at any time, for any reason. We have the right to do this whether or not you have violated any law, rule, or regulation. You acknowledge and agree that we shall have no liability to you if the service and/or the content on this site is withdrawn or restricted.
The content on our site is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or truthfulness of any of the content. We have not reviewed or approved any content before it is displayed on our site. Any reliance you place on content on our site is strictly at your own risk. We do not guarantee that you will like, or find useful, the content on our site. We provide the site strictly as a public service.
We make no representations or warranties about the content of our site or the quality of our service. We do not guarantee that our service will be trouble-free or uninterrupted. We are not responsible for any damage to your computer system that results from the download of any content from our site or your access to, or use of, our site. We are not responsible for the content or actions of third parties who use our site.
All intellectual property rights in this site and its content, including but not limited to the designs, text, graphics, images, video and sound, and their arrangement, are the property of Ian Marsden. This site, including but not limited to its content, design, and digital compilation, is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
You may not copy, reproduce, alter, revise, or publish any part of this site in any form without prior written permission from us or our agents. You may download and print out single copies of pages of this site for your personal use only. Any other use of this site, including reproduction for purposes other than that for which the site was intended, requires the prior written permission of Ian Marsden.
You may browse our site and view our content for your own personal use only
You may download content from our site for your own use.
You may print content from our site for your own use
You may not modify or alter our content
You may not upload content to our site.
You may not sell, rent, lease, license or otherwise distribute our content, in whole or in part.
You may not copy or reproduce any part of our content.
You may not transmit or send content of any kind through our site.
You may not use our site in a way that is contrary to any laws.
You may not interfere with the proper working of our site or the networks used to support our site.
You may not interfere with any other person’s use of our site.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any part of our site.
You may not use information obtained from our site for commercial purposes. You may not use our content for illegal purposes.
You may not use our site in a way that is harmful to children or to other people.
You may not use our site in any way that could damage or interfere with our networks or equipment or any other person’s networks or equipment.
You may not use our site in a way that could damage or interfere with our business or the business of any other person.
You may not use our site in a way that could damage or interfere with another person’s business.
Our site is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. We do not represent or warrant that our site will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that our site will be compatible with all computer hardware and software devices. We do not represent or warrant that our site will meet your needs or requirements. We do not represent or warrant that our site is free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not represent or warrant that our site is free of errors or errors will be corrected. We do not represent or warrant that our site is free of any defects or faults.